
Communities Directorate Report Underspend of Over Half Million

The Council’s Communities Committee will meet on Tuesday 13 June and receive a report that will detail an underspend of over half a million pounds.
The £524,000 underspend will be reported to Councillors, who will be asked to note that all relevant savings for the last financial year have been achieved, and that the majority of the savings will be transferred to Reserves to cover shortfalls in other areas in the future.
The report details that increased revenue from registration services and burial income have led to over £120k more being received by our Council that was forecast. This coupled with managing staffing levels and delivering other income targets has led to the current financial position. Around half of the underspend will be set aside to assist with repairs and renewals to support the transfer of community assets across the region to local groups and communities.
Looking ahead to the meeting on 13 June, Chairman of the Communities Committee, Councillor Andy Ferguson commented;
“This report makes great reading and I would hope Members endorse the recommendations contained within the report. Our Council needs to make significant savings in the future, and the direction and ways the Communities directorate have achieved a considerable underspend is to be applauded.”
Vice Chairman John Martin continued;
The report states that the some of the underspend will be ring-fenced to support agreed commitments in relation to Area Grants and Major Events. This is a clear indication that our Council is still committed to investing money within the area and providing support as well as entertainment to local communities across Dumfries and Galloway.”
The full papers for the committee on Tuesday 13 June can be seen HERE

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