
Consultation on Wigtown Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan Supplementary Guidance

Members of the Council’s Economy and Resources Committee (24 Jan) will be asked to approve a draft Wigtown Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan Supplementary Guidance (CACAMP), which will be published ahead of a 6 week consultation.

Conservation Areas were first introduced in the UK in 1967 and are defined as “an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance…” Local planning authorities are required to identify areas which merit this status and to review them.

In a conservation area it is the character that is of interest and this is generated by both the buildings and the spaces between them. Planning control is therefore directed at maintaining the integrity of the entire conservation area and enhancing its special character.

Conservation area status does not mean that all new development is unacceptable, but care must be taken to ensure that development will not harm, but will preserve or enhance, historic and architectural character and appearance. This means that designs for new development must refer carefully to character and context to demonstrate how it will achieve this.
More details will follow, providing Members at Committee approve, including publishing the document on the Council’s website to invite comment. The dates of the consultation and how to find the document will be advertised in local newspapers and on the Council’s social media and web pages.

Chair of Economy and Resources Committee, Katie Hagmann said: ““This is a great opportunity for the Wigtown Community to get involved in the future of their town. I would like to encourage all residents to get involved and take the opportunity to comment on the consultation, once launched, as this is their chance to get their views noted.”
Vice Chair, Sean Marshall said: “We need local input to help shape future plans for Wigtown and the surrounding area. Details on how you can comment will be shared soon. Please get in touch and let us hear your views.”

To read the full report, go to: https://dumfriesgalloway.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=551&MId=5667

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