
UPDATE NOW SUSPENDED: Council’s Official Announcement: Strike Forces School & ELC Shutdown on November 8

UPDATED – Fri 3rd Nov


announced by Dumfries & Galloway Council to parents and carers
“We have had notification from Unison that a pay offer is being considered by them, and as such, the strike action that was planned for Wednesday 8 November has been suspended.
This means our schools and early learning childcare settings will remain open as normal, and that learning will continue unaffected across all our education and learning settings.”



Dumfries and Galloway Council released the following confirmation today

Strike action is due to take place on Wednesday 8 November. The decision has been made to close all our schools and Early Learning Centre (ELC) settings on the strike day – Wednesday 8 November.

Parents and carers whose children are entitled to free school meals via qualifying benefits will have a cash payment made to their bank accounts in due course.

We appreciate the inconvenience associated with this information, but please be assured that this information is coming to you as a parent/carer in as timely a manner as is practically possible.

Dr Gillian Brydson

Director Skills, Education & Learning

Dumfries and Galloway Council

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