Emma Harper MSP is putting the wheels in motion to let residents at a care home in Dumfries & Galloway try out a specially-made passenger bike which aims to make older people less socially isolated and more physically active.
The CWA (Cycling Without Age) project, backed by the Scottish Government following a successful trial period in Falkirk, sees volunteers give up their time to take older people around the community on the bikes, to meet friends, to get some fresh air and see more of the local area.
The South Scotland MSP has been liaising with CWA and care homes in Dumfries & Galloway to see a bike come to the region for a day with the potential for one to be purchased by the home, on a permanent basis, like other care homes in Scotland have chosen to do.
Commenting Emma Harper MSP said:
“The Cycling Without Age project is a fantastic initiative which has the full support of the Scottish Government in being implemented across the country.
“I’m determined to bring this project to Dumfries & Galloway so older people in this part of Scotland don’t miss out and are able to enjoy the benefits offered through this exciting initiative.
“If the bike proves to be successful then it is hoped the care home will purchase their own adapted bike so the residents can live happier and more fulfilling lives.
“I also believe this will help make persons with dementia more responsive as when residents are taken out to parts of the town or village they haven’t seen for a long time it will provoke memories and nostalgia.”