
Call to Include Glass in Scottish Deposit Return Scheme

Recent figures from the Marine Conservation Society have highlighted that glass is a significant litter issue.

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson is calling on the Scottish Government to ensure glass is included as they rollout a deposit return scheme.


Mr Carson’s, Scottish Conservative and Unionist colleague Maurice Golden MSP has written to the Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham to press the case to include glass to increase recycling and tackle waste.


Producing recycled glass consumes 30% less energy than creating it from scratch.


A deposit return system would separate glass by colour, making it easier to convert into new bottles.


Mr Carson paid a fact finding trip to Norway last year as a member of the Parliament’s Environment Committee to see how a successful deposit return scheme is working in action.


He believes that if implemented correctly, his rural constituents would be able to do their bit easily in order to support the region’s stunning natural beauty and help reduce waste in the region.


Commenting Finlay Carson MSP said: “We all must do our bit to protect our environment and a deposit return scheme can go a long way to help achieving that.
“My visit to Norway last year to see how their deposit return scheme was hugely worthwhile and has helped to shape how it can effectively work across Scotland.
“Glass must be included in the scheme in order to reduce our energy use even more and I hope the Environment Secretary can take this on board.
“If this scheme is implemented effectively then my constituents across Galloway and West Dumfries, will be able to deposit a bottle easily no matter where they are in the region.
“This could also hugely benefit local councils like Dumfries and Galloway, in terms of making savings in reduced litter waste and less waste in bins.
“I hope that this deposit return scheme can continue to progress towards implementation as soon as possible and as someone with a passion for protecting our natural environment, I will be continuing to make sure that’s the case.”

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