D&G Youth Awards Make A Return for 2021

This year, the Dumfries and Galloway Youth Awards at Easterbrook Hall will be held with a smaller audience but a new hybrid style event will enable others to join the celebrations remotely by live stream.

The event organisers were keen for the awards to return this year after the 2020 event was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic.

Hannah Birse, a youth representative on the project’s co-design team, said: “The Youth Awards is a significant event for young people in Dumfries and Galloway and is looked forward to by so many young people and youth organisations each year. Doing it this way means we’re still getting the chance to acknowledge and celebrate young people’s achievements, just in a different and safer way. Over the last 18 months, we’ve seen an outpouring of energy and enthusiasm from young people all over Dumfries and Galloway, doing remarkable things to help their peers and their communities and we need to showcase how amazing these young people really are.”

The main awards categories are:
• Health & Wellbeing
• Participation
• Equality
• Culture and The Arts
• Sports Award
• Environment Champion Award
• Youth Work Excellence
• Unsung Hero
• Youth Worker of the Year
• Young Person of the Year

As well as the main awards, citizenship awards will be presented to young people in recognition of their invaluable contributions to helping in their community, school, charities, or undertaking exceptional activities in support of others.

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Councillor Andy Ferguson, Chair of the Council’s Communities Directorate said “Over the last 18 months, we have seen an outpouring of energy and enthusiasm from young people all over Dumfries and Galloway who are doing remarkable things to help their peers and their communities and we need to showcase how amazing these young people really are”
Vice Chair Councillor John Martin added “It is also an opportunity to thank the organisations and youth workers who have gone above and beyond to support our region’s young people and communities”
“Councillor Adam Wilson, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Young People’s Champion said “I am delighted our annual Youth Awards are back. Young people and organisations have played a significant role throughout the course of the pandemic, adapting and changing what they do and how they do things in order to provide support our region’s young people and communities through a stressful and challenging period of time. We absolutely need to acknowledge and celebrate that. Please nominate today and give them the recognition they deserve!”

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