
DGRI Christmas Jumper Day Raises Cash For Kids Funds

Staff and volunteers at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary donned a variety of festive outfits last week in support of a local charity.

Dozens took part in the Christmas jumper event last Friday, as fund-raising within the hospital generated a total of £346.81 for Cash For Kids.

The event was organised by the hospital’s facilities management partner Serco, and Technical Manager Michael Wilson said: “We started a Christmas jumper year last year, but it was a bit short notice because of the move to the new hospital.

“We thought we’d step it up this year and raise a bit of money for local charities, and this year it’s Cash for Kids.

“We did it for the Children’s Ward last year, and just rather than do it for one charity we want to share it every year to a different charity.”

After a gathering in the atrium, the team headed on a tour around the hospital, including the Children’s Ward where Michael, dressed as Rudolph, handed out selection boxes to the children.

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