Diabetes Awareness Week 12 – 18 June 2017 – Dumfries Diabetes Support Group

Diabetes Awareness Week is an annual UK wide initiative devoted to raising awareness and funds towards research into the condition.

The Dumfries Diabetes Support Group (DDSG) wishes to bring the Awareness Week to the attention of people in Dumfries and Galloway.  They would also like to highlight their support group.

The DDSG was founded almost 11 years ago by the late Elaine Hiddleston and her husband David, with support from the NHS Nithsdale Health and Wellbeing Team.   The group currently has 40 active members and supports adults with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, their families and carers.


  • Meetings are bi-monthly.
  • The meetings are very informal and friendly.
  • There is currently no membership fee.
  • Guest speakers and information.
  • A chance to chat over a cup of tea or coffee.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th June 2017 at 7pm in St George’s Church Hall, George Street, Dumfries.

Meetings throughout 2017 are as follows:-

15th August – Diabetes Services and You with Dr Fiona Green

17th October – Bowel Cancer Awareness

With an additional meeting being held this year on 21st November – Cooking demonstration with Douglas Lisi.

Everyone is welcome to come along.


For more information contact Lindsay Murdoch (Chair) on 07732164010 or find the group on Facebook.


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