
Dogs & Thermal Cameras Used In Search For Missing Man – Wanlockhead

After a man was reported missing at Scotland’s highest village, Wanlockhead, Dumfries and Galloway at 04.15am, on 31 December 2021 Police Scotland asked for the assistance of multiple rescue agencies including, Moffat and Galloway Mountain Rescue teams

The search was launched for a missing man who had failed to arrive back at the house he was staying at after a night out in the Wanlockhead, Scotland’s highest village. 14 team members from Moffat Mountain Rescue responded along with the teams 3 vehicles and set up a control point in the centre of Wanlockhead.


The team were assisted by Galloway Mountain Rescue, Police Scotland Mountain Rescue (Strathclyde) Team, Dogs from SARDA Southern Scotland, The Moffat Pump from Scottish Fire and Rescue with a thermal imaging camera and local officers from Police Scotland, Dumfries and Galloway Division. In all, around 25 people were deployed in the search.


The team identified search areas and commenced hasty searches along the route the missing man was thought to have travelled along with searches of watercourses in the area. As more personnel arrived on scene the search was expanded to include areas around the village.


The team located the missing person who had overshot the place he was trying to get to and then had got disorientated in the remote area outside of the village. Fortunately he was none the worse for his night out in the hills of Wanlockhead but was soaked to the skin with the night’s rain


Moffat Mountain Rescue team is run entirely by volunteers and is funded mostly by public donations if you think

you may be able to help the work of the team please visit our just giving page


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