Dumfries & Galloway Blood Bikes, a Charity set up to transport life saving samples and medical supplies between hospitals in the region, has been nominated for a Community Award of £25,000.

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The Charity, which provides a free out of hours service to the NHS are making a difference to the care and wellbeing of patients across Dumfries and Galloway, also ensuring the limited resources of the NHS can be more effectively utilised. As a result of this service, patients often receive their diagnosis and subsequent treatment many hours earlier. Most importantly, they are helping to save lives.

The Community Award of £25,000 would enable the purchase of 2 new motorcycles (one for each side of the region) allowing the Charity to expand their service, covering one of Scotland’s largest regions utilising more volunteers and therefore ultimately helping to save more lives. If successful, the Charity would also be able to assist with Advanced Rider Training when recruiting new volunteers.

The Award, set up by an organisation called ‘One Family Foundation’ has been designed to improve something that matters to people in their local area. The projects with the most votes will win the Award.

The Charity is asking everyone to vote as this will really make a difference to people’s lives in Dumfries and Galloway. Voting closes on the 4th November 2015.

To place your vote, please visit:

For more information about Dumfries & Galloway Blood Bikes, visit www.dgbloodbikes.org.uk or you can find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dgbloodbikes

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