
New Advisers at Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service

Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service are delighted to welcome two newly qualified advisers to the Dumfries bureau. Lucile Giriat and Simon Ashton completed an intensive adviser training programme to become generalist advisers.

Linda Shearer, Dumfries bureau manager, stated, “I am delighted to have 2 such high quality volunteers on-board in our Dumfries bureau. They have performed very well throughout their training programme and will be a great asset to our team”.
Lucile said, “I found the training to become a CAB volunteer was very well designed, with a mix of face to face sessions, online training and interview practice. I really enjoyed being involved in interviews with clients very early in the training, it has been a great way to learn. The team of staff and volunteers has been so helpful and supportive throughout the process, they gave me all the confidence I needed to succeed. “
Simon added, “I think many of us would like to put something back into the community and the skills I’ve gained while at the CAB have definitely helped me do that. The training and experience I’ve had have been fantastic and apart from anything else it’s a great thing to have on my CV.”

Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service is always on the lookout for new volunteers at our bureaux across the region that are passionate about supporting our communities to address their issues. We are looking for Advisers and administration volunteers. If you have some time to spare and would like to know more then please contact Phil Stewart our Volunteer Development Officer on 03003034321 ext 6131 or via e mail at [email protected]

Caption for photo: Lucile and Simon being presented with their certificates by the bureau manager Linda Shearer

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