
Dumfries and Galloway Council Launches a Summer of Cycling Events Fund

Dumfries and Galloway Council has announced the launch of the Summer of Cycling Events Fund. The Fund, that has up to £20,000 to distribute to cycling events projects that take place between Saturday 13 May and Sunday 3 September, aims to make cycling more popular than ever before for local people and visitors to the region.

The launch of the Fund comes hard on the heels of the announcement of the new Kirkpatrick Coast to Coast cycling route between Stranraer and Eyemouth, that will attract many thousands of visitors to the South of Scotland and promote our cycling heritage.

Councillor Ian Blake, Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee said, “The Council is serious about supporting cycling. This new Fund, aimed at encouraging excellence in our grassroots cycling events, will promote cycling for sport and leisure to many thousands of people. It captures the spirit of freedom of summers in our beautiful region.”

Councillor Jackie McCamon, the Vice-Chair of the Communities Committee said, “I welcome the introduction of this important new Events Fund. Dumfries and Galloway is to host the UCI World Paracycling Championships in August of this year, and we want to support and nurture cycling events that are accessible and inclusive to all – this Fund will fully contribute to this aim.” The Summer of Cycling Events Fund is part-funded by South of Scotland Enterprise.

Professor Russel Griggs, Chair of South of Scotland Enterprise said: “Excitement is growing ahead of a summer of cycling which will bring thousands of people to the region, and millions of TV global viewers through the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships.

“Its great to see this fund created in Dumfries & Galloway to give more people access to cycling. Initiatives such as this all help the aim of the South of Scotland Cycling Partnership Strategy to ensure our region becomes Scotland’s leading cycling destination by 2032.”

The deadline for application to the Fund is Friday 14 April. Organisations that may want to apply can request the application form and criteria for the fund by emailing [email protected]

Full details can be found on the Council’s website – here

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