
Dumfries & Galloway Youth Awards – Nominations Open

2018 will see the first annual Dumfries and Galloway Youth Awards take place. The awards are being held to recognise and celebrate the involvement, dedication and incredible achievements of young people across Dumfries and Galloway.

2018 is the Scottish Government’s theme year for the Year of Young People, and in honour of this momentous year, the award categories have been founded upon the Year’s key themes. The awards will become an annual event as part of the legacy of Year of Young People

The award categories are:

Health and Wellbeing Award
Participation Award
Equality and Discrimination Award
Culture Award
Enterprise and Regeneration Award
Education Award
Dumfries and Galloway’s Unsung Hero
Youth Worker of the Year

Councillor Adam Wilson, Dumfries and Galloway’s Young People’s Champion said “The Dumfries and Galloway Youth Awards will provide us with a regional platform to celebrate our young people’s achievements, share their experiences and to showcase their amazing talents. If you know of any inspirational young people who deserve recognition for their outstanding dedication, I would urge you to nominate them.”

The Awards evening will be held in Easterbrook Hall, on Thursday the 6th of December. The evening promises to be an excellent celebration of the successes and achievements of our young people, with exciting entertainment by local young people and of course the main awards ceremony.

Nominations are open now and to nominate someone for an award, visit www.yoypdg.co.uk for. Entries are open to any young person aged 12-25 who lives, volunteers or learns in Dumfries and Galloway. Entries close on Monday 22nd October.

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