Dumfries Rotarians Pull Out All The Stops & Get Very Bus-y

Dumfries Devorgilla Rotary Club have embarked on a programme of bus shelter clean ups starting with bus shelters on the Whitesands and Buccleuch Street, Dumfries. This is part of a wider range of environmental projects developed by the club to clean up and to draw greater awareness to our environment.

A team of Rotarians on a bright Sunday morning set about washing and cleaning the bus shelters to the main bus stances at the Whitesands, making a visible difference in little over 2 hours to the appearance and giving an overall improvement to this important and well used part of town by both locals and tourists. The Club now intend a regular programme tackling and maintaining bus shelters throughout the town centre and expanding further afield if possible. Devorgilla Rotary along with other partners hope to do their bit to keep our town looking at it’s best and ensure the “Queen of the South” status.

The club have been instrumental with a programme of clean ups including cycle paths and parks in Dumfries along with a programme of beach clean ups which the club managed to continue through lock down during the pandemic along the region’s coast. Clean ups are an excellent starting point for rehabilitation work to our environment and create a sense of pride to the appearance of our town, more so now with the increase to tourism which Dumfries and Galloway is currently enjoying. Combined with litter picking and removal of waste, particularly plastics, ensures we can all become more mindful of how we use and dispose of things and with a little effort is something we can all benefit from.


Devorgilla Rotary’s new President for this year, Peter Atkinson offered his thanks to all of the volunteers that took part and said ‘This Service project is a great demonstration of Rotary at work in our local community making a visible difference and improvement to our town. “


If you are interested in joining and taking part in forthcoming and future clean ups to the town, please contact us through our Facebook page @DumfriesDevorgilla.