
Dumfries and Galloway Economic Leadership Group launches


The Dumfries and Galloway Economic Leadership Group launched on Monday evening (13 June 2016).

The group presents an exciting opportunity to bring business people from across the region to share experiences and learn from each other.

The group is chaired by Moray McKenzie, DuPont Teijin Film UK Ltd.

The group’s objectives are:

•champion, co-ordinate and scrutinise the implementation of the Regional Economic Strategy to ensure that priorities for skills, business growth and regeneration are delivered

•promote the acceleration, convergence and delivery of actions to drive forward the implementation of the Regional Economic Strategy Action Plan

•identify and promote new strategic opportunities which will support economic growth for the region including cross border links

The group will link the public and private sectors and will feed thoughts and opinions into public bodies to help them shape policy direction and to lobby as appropriate.

Iain Duff, the Bank of England’s Deputy Agent for Scotland, addressed the first meeting, giving an overview of the challenges to growth that businesses face.

Councillor Colin Smyth, chairman of the Economy, Environment and Infrastructure committee, said, “Building the local economy is the number one priority for our Council. So, we’re delighted to have Moray and others join us in this forum. We will work together to raise the profile of our region, monitor the economic strategy, and ensure that Dumfries and Galloway’s economy is strong and meets its potential.”

Moray Mackenzie, chairman of Dumfries and Galloway Economic Leadership Group, said, “I welcome the opportunity to lead this group and to work with colleagues to promote the needs and aspirations of Dumfries and Galloway’s businesses.”

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