
Local MSP Objects To Fawside Windfarm Proposal – Langholm

South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth has lodged a formal objection to the Fawside Community Windfarm application proposed by Community Windpower Limited.


The development proposes to erect 45 wind turbines at Fawside, 6.8Km north of Langholm. Forty of the turbines proposed are for a maximum height of 200metres while the other five would have a maximum height of 179.5metres.


In his letter Colin Smyth MSP objects to the scale of the proposed development and the negative impacts it could have for Langholm and the wider Esk Valley.


Colin Smyth said, “A number of constituents have contact me with their concerns about this very unwanted windfarm which would change the landscape forever. It is clear that Community Windpower have given no consideration to local people’s views and have carried out very little consultation despite stating in their planning application that they have worked closely with local groups.
I am very concerned about the impact this development could have on an area that has struggled economically recently. Tourism has been one of Langholm’s successes and local organisations like the Muckletoon Adventure Festival have played a huge role in attracting new visitors to the area. This development would not be inkeeping for Langholm’s desire to increase tourism.
There are also huge concerns which have never been addressed about the infrastructure works that would need to be carried out to transport the wind turbine components. Community Windpower in their application fail to explain to local people across Langholm and the Esk Valley which route will be used, what disruption local people will face and what changes would be required.
Local people have made it clear that this windfarm application does not have local support and I hope that the Scottish Government take those views into account and reject the application.”

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