
Finn Carson MSP Is On The Search For A Local Hero

Are you holding out for a local hero? Someone who is always willing to go that extra mile just to help others?

If you know of that special person then Finlay Carson MSP would love to hear about them.

For the search is on to find a Local Hero in the Galloway and West Dumfries constituency who has made a positive difference to the lives of others.

Every member of the Scottish Parliament is being asked to nominate one of their constituents who have made an extraordinary contribution to the lives of other people living in Scotland locally or nationally during the COVID19 pandemic.

Those selected by their local MSP will be invited to contribute to the Parliament’s Opening Ceremony to be staged in early October. The exact date has still to be finalised.

Local Heroes will be invited to take part either virtually or in-person depending on the public health guidance at that time – and, of course, their individual preference.

Launching the search, Finlay Carson said: “I know many people in Galloway and West Dumfries give their time and energy selflessly during a very difficult and challenging time, to make a positive contribution to the lives of others – often without recognition.

“Together with my fellow MSPs, we want to celebrate the achievements of our Local Heroes across every constituency and region in Scotland as part of the Opening Ceremony.”

Finlay continued: “I am really looking forward to receiving nominations for our Local Hero in Galloway and West Dumfries, perhaps from their friends, family or work colleagues, maybe even from potential Local Heroes themselves, please get in touch.

“As the Sixth Session of the Scottish Parliament gets underway, it is right that, the people of Scotland are placed at the heart of our events.”

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Alison Johnstone, MSP, said: “As parliamentarians we have all heard directly of the difficult circumstances that many people in our communities have faced because of this pandemic.

“But alongside this, we have heard so many uplifting stories of people and communities coming together to protect those most vulnerable.”

She added: “As we begin this new session of Parliament, we are filled with renewed purpose, hope and determination to make things better for people in Scotland. Therefore, it is fitting that we can use this occasion to tell the story of those across Scotland who have provided that optimism for others.”

To nominate a Local Hero, contact Finlay Carson, via his constituency office 107 King Street, Castle Douglas, DG7 1LZ. Or email [email protected]

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