Six appliances at at the scene of the fire in Howegate Street and nearby residents have been asked to stay indoors with windows and doors closed

Firefighters are continuing to deal with a large fire at a commercial garage premises in Dumfries.

The incident at Howgate Street was reported to Operations Control at 3.45am this morning.

Two pumps from Dumfries initially attended but they were quickly joined by another pump from the town and support from appliances from Thornhill, Lockerbie, Dalbeattie and the control unit from Dreghorn.

Crews were faced with a well-developed fire on arrival and they used high pressure hose reels, main jets and a water tower to tackle the blaze in the one storey commercial premises. The fire had also spread to an adjacent building.

Firefighters also had to cool acetylene cylinders which were at the premises and they are continuing damping down operations at this time. Police Scotland are also at the scene.

Residents have been told to stay inside with windows and doors closed as a precaution.

It’s not believed anyone was in the building at the time. Building control has been called and SFRS’s fire investigation unit will visit the scene today to establish the cause.

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