Nine Year Old Dumfries Boy asks First Minister to Save His Park

A nine year old boy from Dumfries has written to Nicola Sturgeon asking the First Minister to step in to save his local park from development.


Tom, who goes to Noblehill Primary school, was inspired to write to the First Minister after a day spent sledging at Parkhead, the former common good parkland that was sold to DGHP by Dumfries and Galloway Council in early 2017.


Tom wrote:

“Dear Nicola

I am writing to you to save my park.

I know that people need houses but children need somewhere to play and I don’t know where my friends and me will play if houses are built on Parkhead.

I think the council must of make a mistake in selling Parkhead.

Please can you help save it.



Tom’s mum Tracey Marshall said her son wanted to do something to help save the park after attending a community meeting recently.  She said in an accompanying email to the First Minister:

We need your help.  My son asked me to write to you after a day spent sledging at Parkhead.  He was sad that this might be the last time he gets to sledge in the park.  Surely a mistake must have been made?
“I have three children, two are now young adults and one nine year old.  All my boys have spent countless summer days and evenings over at Parkhead running free, building dens, climbing trees or playing football.  In this technological age I feel it is so important for my little boy to get outside in the fresh air and get exercise in a safe environment, away from traffic.  I fear that if our campaign to Save Parkhead is unsuccessful then this will be the last year that Tom and countless other children will be able to access open space near their homes.”


Local MSP Emma Harper who has previously raised concerns over the proposed housing development at Parkhead said:

“It’s wonderful that Tom has written to the First Minister, particularly so at the start of the 2018 Year of Young People.  Decisions about our local communities, especially community open space, affect all of us, but perhaps especially our young people.  I know Parkhead very well.  It is a great place for children to play safely and it is also where people get to meet and use the area as a social space. 
“This area of greenspace is crucial in the densely populated Noblehill area; people need to have access to green, open space at any fitness level.  I hope Parkhead’s sledging slopes can be protected so that future generations of children in Dumfries can enjoy snowy days, just like Tom and his brothers have.”


More information about the community campaign to save Parkhead can be found at:

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