

DGWGO were contacted this week by one of our members who wanted to tell us all about an amazing chaity fund raising cause they were involved with as a Thankyou to the Nith Inshore Rescue , after all their involvement and support during a recent incident that happened on the river Nith ! 
 The message said” Dear DGWGO As you’re aware a local lad was lost to the river Nith  just before Christmas. Myself like many others have wanted to do something but were never sure what. Just before new year we set up a just giving page and a text giving line to raise money for Nith Inshore Rescue for all the help they continue to give Macauley’s family. I wonder if you would publish the links for me? They are www.justgiving.com/yimby/izzyandshug the text line is Nith22 + your amount to 70070. Just a small way of saying thanks. Our initial target was £260 which we have smashed and we’re well on our way to reaching £1000. Every little helps and his family are all very grateful to everyone who has pledged money. Thanks. “
Also there is a facebook page that you can click like on to to keep up to date with everything https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nith-Inshore-Rescue-Paying-it-forward/1415611488731017?fref=ts
Main picture courtesy of Nith Inshore Rescue

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