

A well known amateur photographer  ‘Sam Kelly’ from Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway presented a cheque for £4,200 to Dr Locke and the Ladies from Kirkcudbright Hospital League Of Friends today after raising the funds by selling a book that he created from his own photos of everyday folk on the streets in Kirkcudbright.


Sam carried out the project titled “Down The Street Kirkcudbright ” over a long period of time which he then turned into a  Photo-book in April 2016 full of photos taken in Kirkcudbright of Kirkcudbright people,  to raise money for charity. Sam hoped the book would be purchesed by  local residents and visitors to the region. He originally tried to gain funding towards the project, but that proved to be very difficult, so instead Sam asked 500 people to make a pledge to purchase a copy of the book if he went ahead and had it printed at his own expense.

Sam told DGWGO today ” The total number of copies I sold ended up being 550.  4 copies  went to the other side of the wold in  Australia.”

He went on to say “When I made the photo book I thought I would get funding no problem , but this proved to be impossible. At the time I had every intention of making a follow up book within months, but  it has been such a mammoth job delivering and collecting in the money by myself.That many people were wanting a copy I tried to get 200 extra  copies printed but it was going to be to costly for a small run. It has given me a lot of experience doing this if I were ever to attempt something similar I would go about it in a completely different way .”


Sam also said “I Would would like to thank each and every person that pledged and bought a copy of the book, you all made this possible by supporting the project, also I would like to thank Andy Anderson, Derek Collins (Incorporated Trades) Mrs Marion Dixon, Michael McKenzie (The Tides Inn) and Mrs Jean Owen for their generous donations.  Plus a big thank you to all the Kirkcudbright people who made this possible by letting me photograph them. “


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