Galloway Community Hospital Garrick Ward Re-Opens After Covid Outbreak

AN outbreak of COVID cases associated with Galloway Community Hospital in Stranraer has now been resolved. 


Rapid testing of patients and staff allowed the outbreak to be brought under control, and no patients are now in isolation. After deep cleaning, the hospital’s Garrick ward has now reopened to admissions, patient transfers and routine visiting.


Sadly, in the last week a patient at Galloway Community Hospital has died within 28 days of testing positive for COVID. This brings the number to two since the start of the outbreak. Thoughts are with their relatives and staff during this difficult time.


This comes as COVID continues to spread in the community. Though the spread of the new Omicron variant is slowing, many new cases are continuing to emerge across Dumfries and Galloway, and outbreaks are still being managed in two care homes across the region.


A reminder is issued of the great importance of following current rules and guidance. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID or been in close contact with someone with COVID must self-isolate immediately and keep self-isolating for at least seven days. They can take lateral flow tests on days 6 and 7, and, if these are negative, they can stop isolating, but they still should not visit hospitals until day 10.


It is also vitally important that anyone who believes they may be experiencing any symptoms of COVID immediately self-isolates, arranges to have a COVID test, and continues to self-isolate until results are received. (The symptoms of COVID are a fever, a new continuous cough, and a loss of or change to the sense of smell or taste.) The Scottish Government also recommends taking a lateral flow COVID test twice a week, whether you have symptoms or not, and also before socialising or travelling. Everyone visiting someone in hospital should take a lateral flow test before they arrive.


COVID-19 tests can take place at a test centre or at home.


To book a COVID test at a test centre, or order home test kits, please visit



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