
Garden Party Fundraiser for Reiki at DGRI

Local lady Rosalind Watt has presented a cheque for £1266 to staff in the Oncology Department at DGRI. Rosalind held a garden party at her home to raise funds after recovering from cancer treatment, during which time she attended the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre and Chemotherapy clinic within the Oncology Department.

The monies, via the NHS Dumfries and Galloway Endowment Fund, will contribute towards a complementary therapies initiative at the Oncology Department for local patients currently undergoing or having recently completed cancer treatment.

DGRI Oncology Department staff, the DGRI Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre Manager, and NHS D&G Endowment Fund Manager were delighted to meet with Rosalind to receive the cheque.

Claire Drummond, Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre Manager, NHS D&G said:

“We cannot thank Rosalind enough for her efforts in arranging and hosting a garden party to raise these funds to help other patients attending the department. We were delighted to meet with Rosalind and talk about how we could use the funds in such a positive way contributing to the provision of Reiki now being offered to patients.”

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