
Gatehouse Win Rotary Primary School Quiz – District 1020 Finals

The District Final of the Primary School Quiz was held on Saturday 11 June in deepest Lanarkshire at the Carluke LifeStyles Centre.

As the date was being shared with Carluke Gala Day, roads were closed, diversions in place, a test of old faashioned navigation.  The pattern of the competition much the same as for the club and area heats. Teams of four representing their school, faced rounds of questions on the primary curriculum including a general knowledge and pot-luck section for good measure. Kirkcudbright Club was represented by Gatehouse Primary.

Cumalative scores were announced after each section with the top teams separated by just a point or two. Then came the final scores, Gatehouse had won, the chorus of woops from the team’s parents would have done credit to a goal scored at Hampdon Park.

Trophies and certificates were awarded by DG Andy Ireland, many photographs were taken of some very happy youngsters, Proud parents wanted to know where and when will be the national final, to be announced shortly.

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