Energy Efficiency reports published
Two useful reports into the energy efficiency of our Galloway buildings have been published by the Glenkens Community and Arts Trust (GCAT).
GCAT commissioned Natural Power Consultants to research and deliver two technical reports. The first is about the energy efficiency of 11 Glenkens public buildings, including Town Halls, Village Halls and the CatStrand in New Galloway. The report is split into chapters, each designed to give each Hall committee sufficient information to apply for funds to make upgrades to these important community assets. 3 of the 11 buildings have already used the report to kick off their energy-efficiency improvements.
The second report took two typical Galloway homes – a post-war bungalow and a stonebuilt ‘Galloway Cottage’ and assessed the various upgrades that would make them cheaper and more environmentally friendly to heat. This is a big issue for the area, as nowhere in the Glenkens is on mains gas, and fuel poverty is becoming an increasing issue for many.
The reports are both published on the Glenkens Hub website, here:
GCAT is hosting an event to answer any questions about the reports at the Smiddy in Balmaclellan at 7:30pm on Tuesday 19th September. All are welcome to come along and find out from Natural Power engineers how the report could save them money and carbon emissions.
Funding for both reports came from the Scottish Government’s Community Led Vision fund, administered by Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Helen Keron, Executive Manager of GCAT, said, “These two important reports arose out of our Glenkens Community Spaces Network, where it had become clear that heating costs and energy efficiency were high on the list of priorities for many of our valuable community buildings. It’s been great to have the funding to allow us to commission these two technical reports that will support both Hall committees, home-owners and landlords to make effective and appropriate upgrades.” Zara Gell is a member of the Crossmichael Community Trust responsible for Crossmichael Memorial Hall which has already used the report as justification for a funding bid to a Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) fund. She said ‘Having the technical back-up of this report gave us the confidence to apply for the capital funds we need to make the Hall a much warmer and more pleasant place to come for the whole community. It was great that the Community Spaces Network could commission it on behalf of all of us, and it’s been so useful already, along with their continuing support.’