
The Haill Six Incorporated Trades of Kirkcudbright Burns Supper

Saturday night saw a packed house for the Incorporated Trades annual Burns Supper in the Arden House Hotel. Deacon Convener Ian D Swan welcomed over one hundred guests to the evening with a large party from Irvine Incorporated Trades and York Cordwainers in attendance.

The haggis was piped in Coll Marshall, the Trades first apprentice for forty years and Official Piper to the Incorporation. The haggis was addressed with some panache by General Officer Ian McIntyre.
After dinner, Brian Colquhon, Deacon Convener to Irvine Incorporated Trades toasted the Haill Six Incorporated Trades with a reply from Ian Swan.

The evening’s main toast, ‘The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns’ was proposed by well known retired Glasgow Lawyer, Len Murray. A veteran of over 300 Burns Suppers in five different continents, Len had the audience spell bound with his witty but erudite toast, entitled, ‘Robert Burns, what’s all the fuss about? ‘

Past Deacon Convener Brian Thomson toasted ‘The Lasses O’ with a highly entertaining and humorous toast.

Jane Brown , Past President of the Robert Buns World Federation and mine host in Burns’ favourite Howff, the Globe Inn, Dumfries replied to Brian’s toast. One of the most polished female speakers on the circuit, Jane’s reply was on not to be forgotten with her sharp, observational humour.

Recitations from Rab Thomson , who recited one of his late Uncle George Davidson’s poems, ‘Tammy McTrouble’, a parody of Tam O’Shanter, went down well with the audience whom he held spellound. General Clerk Sandy Henry gave his rendition of ‘Holy Willie’s Prayer’ , the poem on the hypocrisy of the Kirk in Burns time,complete with night shirt and Willie Winkie hat.

Music and song was provided by Iain Smith who played a previously unheard medley of Burns’ tunes on classical guitar.

The proceedings ended with a rousing rendition of the ‘Star o’ Rabbie Burns’ by the hail company and ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

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