Dumfries and Galloway Homes Needed for Guide Dog Puppies

Guide Dogs has launched an appeal to find animal lovers in Dumfries and Galloway who can give a puppy a home for a year.

Volunteer puppy walkers care for future guide dogs from seven weeks of age until they are between 12 and 15 months old.

The charity is inviting locals to attend a guide dog puppy training class in Dumfries on Wednesday 7 November to find out more.

Volunteer Co-ordinator Maureen Turner said: “Puppy walkers are amazing volunteers who start our puppies on their journey to becoming fully-fledged guide dogs.
“They provide the full-time care and education of our puppies until they are ready to go to formal training school.
“At the event, people will be able to meet some of our existing volunteers and their puppies, as well as Guide Dogs staff.
“To be eligible for the role, volunteers need to be able to spend the majority of the day with the puppy and have a securely fenced garden. They’ll also need to be able to take their pup into many varied environments, such as shops, cafes and on to public transport.
“It’s an extremely rewarding role and volunteers receive full training and lots of support.”
Liz and David Gemmell, of Lockerbie, are currently caring for puppy Jack. Liz said: “Jack is our first guide dog puppy and we love having him. We enjoy being part of the Guide Dogs family, meeting new people and contributing to a lovely puppy’s life. We’d definitely encourage others to get involved.”

The event takes place at Dumfries Rugby Club at Park Farm, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. To register your interest in attending, or to find out more about puppy walking, please contact Maureen Turner on 0345 143 0205 or email: [email protected].

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