
Hub Hub Hooray for Dumfries Learning Town

Dumfries Learning Town took another significant step forward when the Dumfries Common Good Sub Committee (1 June 2016) agreed to endorse the proposal to leas an are of land at the King George V site to provide a Learning Hub, which is a key aspect of delivering Dumfries Learning Town.  

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chairman of the Education Committee, said, “Providing the best start in life for all our children is a priority for our Council. We’re currently making excellent progress on a range of exciting initiatives that will enable us to deliver on this priority. Dumfries Learning Town is key to this as we strive to deliver a first class learning environment for all young learners. This positive decision will enable our Council to progress the DLT project, which will offer the very best educational opportunities to our young people in state of the art facilities.”

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