Jackson Fulfills Dream Of Reaching Criffel Summit For Charity

At 9am this morning a group of volunteers set off to help Jackson fulfil his dream of getting to the top of Criffel whilst also raising funds for two charities close to Jackson’s heart!

Jackson Geddes was born in 2002 with a rare genetic condition called Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. At the point of diagnosis, little was known about Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome and the news delivered was that Jackson was unlikely to live very long.

As the years went past Jackson defied the odds, (which were from some out dated text book) and by 2010 he could walk, talk, eat. He had developmental delay.

Then life changed, and slowly we began to watch Jackson deteriorate and slowly his body began to shut down. Following a major campaign, medical tests discovered Jackson had a significant neurological problem. In 2017 he underwent a major operation that not only saved but allowed him to enjoy his life more . More recently an admission to the National Hospital for Neurosurgery in London for further investigation. We have a follow appointment later this month. Jackson full story is available on his social media pages. Jackson has continued his battle and sadly spent most of 2020 in hospital, including Christmas. His health continues to be closely monitored and unfortunately he is still a regular visitor to the Paediatric ward.

Jacksons Dad Stuart said “Jackson had a dream, that dream was to climb Criffel, we bought him a mountain trike and following a meeting with Moffat Mountain Rescue, they agreed to assist us in making Jackson’s dream come true today Saturday 25th June.

We are using the opportunity to raise funds for his old school, Langland School Fundraising (Registered Charity SC040743) and also Moffat MRT (Registered Charity SC007510).

We set off earlier today and 1hr 40 mins later we achieved his goal and arrived at a very windy summit. Sadly due to the high winds we couldn’t stay there for long and headed back down. It was hard work but an amazing group helped including members of Moffat Mountain Rescue. So far we have raised £700 for Langlands School and Moffat Mountain Rescue.
Thank you to everyone that helped today, you all made Jackson’s dream come true!
If you would like to donate, please go to – https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jacksonscriffelclimb?utm_term=6KmWeaAwG