
Kirkcudbright Academy Pupils Invite Local Producers to Their Christmas Market and Café

A group of pupils at Kirkcudbright Academy is organising a Christmas Market and Café at the Cochran Hall on Friday 2 December 10 am- 2 pm.

The ‘Café Academy’ team will be running their fourth pop-up café with their signature range of cakes as well as seasonal soups and fruit punch.

The team is inviting any local crafters or artisans who would like to have a stall to get in touch.

There will be no charge for having a stall but a small item for the raffle would be appreciated. The event will be publicised widely and proceeds from the café will go to ‘Better Lives’ a local charity to improve the lives of young people with autism. Young musicians from the school will perform at the event so it promises to be a great day at the Cochran Hall.

For further information to book a stall please contact Mrs Thorburn, Principal Teacher Pupil Support, 07756405987 or email [email protected] or via the school office on 01557 330440.

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