Launch Of Vote Galloway National Park Campaign For Local Elections 

A campaign has been launched to encourage voters to seek out and support local election candidates who pledge active support for a Galloway National Park. 

During last year’s Scottish Parliament elections the issue achieved major significance in the region and achieved widespread political backing.

Every party in parliament now supports the creation of new National Parks and the Green/SNP administration has promised at least one by the end of its term.

Now the battle is on to make sure it comes to Galloway. Dumfries and Galloway Council’s (DGC) active support could make all the difference.

Rob Lucas, Chair of the Galloway National Park Association (GNPA), said: “This is an issue where candidates can mark themselves out as having a real vision for the future and how to bring sustainable prosperity to Dumfries and Galloway.
“We are urging people to ask candidates whether they will put their backs into making sure the next National Park is in Galloway, and to vote for those that will on 6 May.
“If our council chooses to actively champion this cause it can have a tremendous impact – working with business and the community to convince the Scottish Government that it’s got to be Galloway.”

The GNPA is contacting all the candidates and asking them to state where they stand and pressing DGC to create a National Park Working Party which will work hard to make it happen.

While DGC has backed the idea of a Galloway National Park in the past, now is the moment to ensure it moves to the top of the political agenda.

There is already strong public and business backing for a Galloway National Park as it will bring lasting and widespread benefits by:

  • Making the most of our fabulous countryside and coastlines
  • Generating sustainable tourism
  • Creating business opportunities and jobs
  • Providing a marketing brand that will put us on a world stage
  • Attracting millions of pounds a year in investment and income
  • Combatting climate change and enhancing environmental protection
  • Improving health and wellbeing
  • Offering opportunities for leisure and outdoor activities
  • Encouraging young people to remain or return to the region.

GNPA also believes that Galloway is the best place for Scotland’s next National Park because:

  • It has a unique mix of rolling farmland, low hills, wild moors, mountains and coastline – adding real diversity to Scotland’s family of National Parks.
  • Unlike some parts of Scotland there is ample opportunity, and need, for an increase in sustainable tourism.
  • It offers easy access to wonderful countryside for all ages and abilities, including economically deprived communities across south-west Scotland.
  • Extensive public and business support for a Galloway National Park shows that the region is ready and eager to seize the opportunities it would bring.

The scale of regional support shone through when the region took 50.3% of the votes in an online poll by The Scots Magazine. This was more than all the other potential locations – Ben Nevis, Glen Affric, Argyll, Wester Ross, Harris, Borders – combined.

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