Local Charitable Organisation Dumfries Y Gymnastics Club Plan to Extend Premises

Dumfries Y Gymnastics Club, a rapidly expanding competitive and recreational club for both boys and girls, is calling for the support of the local community to help secure funding to expand their facility.


The Club moved into their own premises in Dumfries town centre in November 2017, providing the only dedicated gymnastics facility in the region, and due to the rapid growth of the Club to over 250 members, needs to expand its training area and welfare facilities for their gymnasts, coaches and parents.


The Club plans to expand through to an adjacent building to provide areas for warm up, conditioning, training and viewing, a foam pit and bars, kitchen and dining area and further toilets with facilities for disabled and baby changing.


Since the Club moved into their new premises they have celebrated many achievements including:

  • Winning Club of the Year Award 2017 in the Nithsdale Sports Award.
  • Gaining accreditation under the Dumfries and Galloway Council Sports Club Accreditation Scheme.
  • Head Coach, Mike Briggs, winning the Community Spirit Award in the VOSCARS (Dumfries & Galloway) 2018.
  • Winning 3rd Prize in the Dumfries ‘Guid Nychburris’ parade.
  • Significant improvement in results from recent national competitions with gymnasts finishing further up the rankings than ever before, many of them placing on the medals table.
  • Being identified as an example of best practice by Scottish Gymnastics in their delivery of Principle 6 of the national Effective Club Framework programme. Scottish Gymnastics currently use images of our gym in their educational/promotional advertising material.  They have arranged to visit the facility for the purpose of making a video feature piece on the Club’s journey towards our own facility.


The Club was also fortunate to have a full-day visit from Cara Kennedy, current WA Scottish Champion and competitor in the recent Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast, Australia.  Cara helped with a range of sessions across the day from recreational to competitive gymnasts.


The Club is holding their first Summer Fete at the Club premises at 101 English Street, Dumfries on Sunday 22nd July.  With gymnastics displays, various stalls, hook a duck, tombola, beat the goalie, home baking, the chance to try CPR and other life saving techniques, as well as the opportunity to view their gymnastics facility, this promises to be a fun day for all the family. All monies raised will go towards the expansion plan.

To get behind Dumfries Y Gymnastics Club and help make a difference in your local community, you can donate to their online fundraising page https://wonderful.org/charity/dumfriesygymnasticsclub



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