Loch Arthur Creamery – Precautionary Recall of Crannog and Killywhan Cheese

Routine testing carried out recently as part of our food safety system, indicated the presence of a low level of Listeria in a small number of batches of our Crannog cheese. We immediately reported this to the Environmental health Department at Dumfries and Galloway Council.

We followed our documented procedures to deal with this issue and accordingly initiated a product recall on the affected cheese. As a precautionary measure, we have now extended that recall to all batches of Loch Arthur Creamery’s Crannog and Killywhan cheese. We have halted production of these cheeses for the time being.

We are continuing to produce our Farmhouse Cheese, cream cheese and yoghurt as these products are not affected.

The Loch Arthur Farmshop and Cafe are open for business as usual and our cheese counter continues to offer a choice selection of the finest British and Continental artisan cheeses.

Customers who have placed Christmas hamper orders containing these items will receive alternative cheeses from other fine artisan cheese makers.

The team at Loch Arthur Creamery wish to thank our all our friends and customers for their support.

Customers who have any questions should contact us on [email protected]

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