
Lochmaben Golf Club Breast Cancer Fundraisers Amass £10k for Hospital

A PHENOMENAL sum of £10,430 has been presented by a group of golfing friends in support of breast cancer care at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary.

The money was generated thanks to the fund-raising efforts of four Lochmaben Golf Club members who dub themselves The Pink Girls.

Over the past ten years, Jackie Bell, Jane Reid, Patricia Jardine and Gail Graham have been raising funds for local breast cancer care, and to date have amassed a colossal £48,896.

Jackie and Jane said: “To celebrate our 10th anniversary we organised extra fund-raising events during the winter with a Ladies Lunch, Hair Extravaganza by Nelson Brown, and Jackie’s son-in-law Steven Sloan ran a half marathon in Edinburgh wearing a pink bra.

“These events made £1000 each and went towards our total. These were generously supported by local business donations.
“Our grand total for this year was £10,430, which was raised on July 7 at Lochmaben Golf Club through our Golf Competition, Raffle, Cake Stall and Blair Bell who raised £97 Highland Dancing at the event.”
Jackie and Jane added: “We were overwhelmed by the generosity of the local people and were delighted to hand over a cheque to representatives from Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary – Breast Surgeon and Clinical Director for Surgery Miss Maria Bewes-Hair and Depute General Manager Carole Morton – for a cause close to our hearts.”

The amazing donation has been met with a huge amount of gratitude at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary.

Julie White is Chief Operating Officer for NHS Dumfries and Galloway, and she said: “This is an incredible amount of money to have raised, building on a staggering amount of effort over the past ten years.
“The support shown by local people and businesses towards these efforts has been remarkable.
“We are incredibly grateful to receive this donation, which will be used in the support of breast cancer care within the newly-opened Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary.”





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