
Loreburn Tenants Helped In Cost-of-Living Crisis

Tenants of Loreburn Housing Association have been given welcome help with a third round of grant funding secured by the social landlord to support its tenants in the cost-of-living crisis.

Loreburn’s earlier bids to the Scottish Government’s Social Housing Fuel Support Fund, administered by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, had previously secured a total of £112,000 which was used to provide targeted support to tenants including direct financial support.

The funding allowed the Association’s Community Teams to provide a range of practical help, from essential warmth items such as Winter duvets to low-cost cooking equipment and slow cookers.

Financial support with fuel vouchers and utility debt reduction was also given to those struggling with energy costs. Where needed, referrals to Home Energy Scotland for dedicated advice and support were also made.

The latest award will see Loreburn’s eligible tenants benefit from a further £25,000 from the Federation’s Winter Hardship Fund. The funding is to be issued as supermarket vouchers, helping almost 400 families across the region to meet food and household bills.

Loreburn’s tenants will not need to claim the vouchers. Anyone eligible will be contacted directly.

Clare Burns, Loreburn’s Community Team Manager in the West of the region commented “We know the support is having a positive impact on those we’ve been able to help.

We’ve supported tenants of all ages and are pleased to have been able to help every one of our households with children aged 17 and under, in one form or another.”

Combined, the funding has helped over 1600 households with practical help and direct financial support.

Lorraine Usher, Chief Executive at Loreburn added “We were able to respond quickly to the funding opportunities and demonstrate to funders how we could deliver targeted support speedily and efficiently to help those in need.

The funding applications were one of a range of measures we put in place in 2022 and we’ll continue to maximise any opportunities that can help tenants struggling with the rising costs of living”.

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