

63 Year Old  Tesco’s Worker Lyn Peacock from Crossmichael, Castle Douglas is braving the shave for MacMillan Cancer Support on Friday 26th August at 2.30pm in the The Foyer Tesco’s Castle Douglas. She would love your support on the day, to help her say goodbye to her lovely long hair.


Lyn told DGWGO earlier today “This is my first big solo charity fundraising event, I’ve raised money before by competing in Triathlons and by doing the Dee Dip each New Year ( was one of the originators of this crazy event!!), my preferred charities are MacMillan Cancer Support and the RNLI.

I’m now a bit old for Triathlons (63 and a bit yrs) so when I saw the advert on TV for Brave the Shave I thought this might be a way of helping a great cause – those who are part of that Support do such a wonderful job, not everyone has what it takes – theirs is a vocation not a  job.”

Lyn also said “Much deliberation followed as I have mid length hair and have always been  aware of what other people think of my appearance, so this is a big step – I keep reminding myself that I have the choice in this unlike many who have no option but to loose their hair. Once I’d made up my mind and checked that the family were okay with it,  I spoke with Tesco’s where I work and asked if I went ahead would they support me and indeed mind if I did the Shave in store – they have been most supportive and due to the fact that I’m meeting so many people I’m able to promote my cause. ”


Local hairdresser Ian Jackson of A Cut Above Castle Douglas is the man who is carrying out the head shave, Lyn Said ” On checking today that Ian Jackson (A Cut Above) was still Ok for next week he again asked if I was positive that I wanted to go ahead – even with pre event nerves I’m more determined that ever to “go for it“.

“Its now just a week and counting but everyone’s been so supportive I hope that I can make it a worthwhile event for MacMillan Cancer Support, so come on every one – all the Pennies will make the difference. The thing is we all know someone who has needed MacMillan Support so let lets give them the support they need
Lyn also wanted to say “ I have to thank my family for agreeing to my Brave the Shave and to Tesco’s Castle Douglas for giving me the opportunity to promote my challenge during work shifts at the checkouts by wearing my Brave the Shave tee shirt and collecting donations from customers, also to Ian Jackson from A Cut Above for generously giving his time and skills in coming to do The Shave, and finally to all those wonderful people who have already donated to my challenge.”


If anyone would like to donate to this great cause but can’t get to Tesco in Castle Douglas they can click HERE. Every Pound or Penny counts – Lets Help MacMillan Cancer Support, who might have to help us in the future!
Tesco Castle Douglas, in line with their Community Support Programme will also be running a MacMillan Big Coffee Morning on the Friday 26th (10.30am to 12.30) in conjunction with Lyn’s Brave the Shave event.


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