
Massive Outpouring of Love Celebrates 1st Birthday

 September 1st marks one year since incredible humanitarian movement launched in Dumfries and Galloway.

A year ago, the call to arms went out across Dumfries & Galloway to help refugees in need, and the region rolled up their sleeves and did the unimaginable. Within a week there were 30 hubs collecting aid from around 2,000 people, which was then sorted and distributed across the globe. People from all backgrounds, faiths, political viewpoints, sexual orientations, genders and races came together with a united aim – to help fellow human beings who were suffering.

Initially the movement was launched to humanise the crisis in Calais, but the response was so great, that MOOL broadened her reach and has distributed much-needed aid to Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iraq and beyond. MOOL relies on donations, goodwill and volunteers, as well as sister organisations like Edinburgh Cares; Glasgow the Caring City; Samara’s Aid and CWUHA. In total, the people of Dumfries & Galloway have sent out over 40 tonnes of aid. This generosity of spirit and goodwill meant MOOL also responded quickly to help those affected by the floods in Carlisle and local families that found themselves in need of a helping hand.

MOOL played a key role in welcoming the first refugee families to the area via the UK Government’s Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme. We have funded caravans to go overseas to provide a safe haven for expectant mothers and to act as mobile dental units for those in agony; supported community kitchens in camps, and funded volunteers to provide practical help overseas where it is needed most.

MOOL has worked closely with schools and other organisations to educate around the refugee crisis and challenge misconceptions that surround the issue, often contributing to schools’ global citizenship curriculum. We welcome invitations to come and answer any questions your group or organisation might have.

Earlier this year, MOOL became a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO No SC046366) and has received vital funding from the Voluntary Action Fund and New Beginnings to continue their essential work way beyond the one-off event that was initially intended.

Founder of the movement, Moxie DePaulitte said, “It’s been an absolutely mind-blowing year. The people of Dumfries and Galloway have really stepped up, and there are no words to thank the volunteers who have worked tirelessly over the last 12 months to try and relieve some of the suffering that millions of people are going through every day. These incredible volunteers have packed boxes, raised funds, painted houses, befriended new arrivals, and done the region proud. Unfortunately though, the crisis is not going away, and we still need your help in order for us to help others. When MOOL began there were around 3,500 adults in the camps in Calais and approximately 100 children: A year later there are closer to 9,000 adults and 900 children living in a space a third of the original size since the French Authorities demolished a large part of the camp. During the last clearance, over 100 children went missing – just vanished – and we will never know what happened to them. Organ harvesting is rife, as is sex trafficking. Many of these terrified, unaccompanied children could be safe with family in the UK in less than an hour if the Government honoured their agreement and let them into the country but they continue to delay as if their lives are not important.”

It’s MOOL’s first birthday this week and we’d like to invite you to join us, both to celebrate what we have achieved and to help shape MOOL’s future. There are a range of events to come along to, and loads of ways that you can help, including our ‘Drop Your Pants!’ drive to collect new, unused underwear to restore a little dignity into people’s lives. . Whether you can sort, fold, lift, shift, drive, wash, pack, knit, make tea, write notes or just provide moral support, we’d love you to be part of the MOOL family, so come along to our Birthday celebrations at our Depot on September 2nd between 9.30 and 12.30 for cake, a cuppa and constructive chat! Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DGRefugeeAction  for more information or email [email protected]

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