
Members Of The Public Urged Not To Fall Victim To Coronavirus Scams

People in Scotland are asked to be alert to the potential for scam messages purporting to offer coronavirus vaccines, or asking for payment for vaccinations.

Chief Inspector Anton Stephenson, of Police Scotland’s Safer Communities Division, said: “We are aware of a scam circulating involving a text message suggesting people are eligible for the coronavirus vaccine. If you are concerned you have provided personal or financial information via a link in a message of this sort, contact Police Scotland via 101.
“We will pursue anyone who sets out to cause harm and misery to our communities, and our officers work closely with partners to make Scotland a hostile environment for scammers.
“Our Take Five campaign, which launched recently, raises awareness of fraud, and highlights ways people can protect themselves and remain vigilant to this kind of crime.
“Always be aware that an unsolicited telephone call, email or text message may not be from the person or organisation which it appears to be from. Never click on a link in a message you’re not expecting, and remember the NHS will never ask you for money relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The Take Five to Prevent Fraud campaign features a range of tips for members of the public about how to protect themselves from fraudsters, and avoid falling victim to scam attempts. Information is available on the Police Scotland website – https://www.scotland.police.uk/takefive

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