
Mobile Shop Van Broken Into By Gang – Newton Road Dumfries

POLICE in Dumfries are appealing for witnesses after a reporting that at about 9.10pm on Tuesday, 28th January, they attended a report of around 6 young males having broken into the mobile shop (Van) situated within the grounds of Anglian Windows, Newton Road, Dumfries.

A Police spokesperson said “A large hole in the wire fence that secures the premises was found by Police as the entry/exit point.
Several miscellaneous items were found between the wire fence and the mobile shop (Van).
The driver door of the mobile shop (Van) was open and both driver and passenger windows were fully open with a pile of lighters on the ground at the door.
Items were also removed from the back of the mobile shop (van).
Police are appealing to anyone that saw or heard anything suspicious, or who may have any relevant information that would assist with the investigation to contact Police Scotland on 101.”

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