New NHS Animation Aims To Explain Changes In General Practice Across Region

A NEW ANIMATED film is aiming to explain changes taking place in general practice across Dumfries and Galloway and Scotland as a whole. 


The latest General Medical Services (GMS) contract supports a position where practices are increasingly staffed not just by a GP but by a variety of health professionals with a range of specialist skills.


Head of Primary Care Linda Bunney said: “For many, many years, people’s experience of general practice will have been phoning up to make an appointment to see a GP, attending in person and then discussing their issue.
“So many aspects of society evolve over time, and healthcare is no different. The latest GMS contract recognises that we now have a range of healthcare professionals equipped with specialist skills and knowledge, including pharmacists, mental health nurses, paramedics and advanced practitioners.
“The contract recognises that general practice is not something that the GP now handles alone but where they serve as clinical lead, heading up teams of professionals.
“The best person to help you with a situation is not always the GP. For example, in the case of issues relating to medication the pharmacist is often going to be the best first point of contact.
“Increasingly, practices are operating to determine the most immediate, efficient and effective way of providing help. Reception staff and patient assistants are trained in taking calls, obtaining information, and handling all matters with confidentiality.
“The new video aims to explain this continuing evolution of general practice, and the positives that come from that.
“It also helps to introduce the wide range of professionals now serving within medical practices, and the help which they can provide.
“As with so many aspects of health and social care, general practice faces very significant challenges – particularly in Dumfries and Galloway which is largely a rural area with a big geography and an ageing population.
“However, it’s with teams of professionals working together that we’re best placed to meet needs over coming years, and we want everybody to understand what sits behind this approach and the benefits it brings.”