

Debbie Thompson an orthoptic assistant at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary is  currently training for her first ever 5k run, Debbie contacted DGWGO to tell us her story.

Debbie said “(I know i must be mad).  I have not ran since I was at high school (almost 18 years ago).  I decided that I wanted to set myself a challenge as well as get fit so I decided to sign myself up to do the Dumfries Run 4 Health on 26 June this year.  I did the Colour Run in Carlisle on Sunday past as this was my first official test run to see how much training I needed to do.  I completed the course  (albeit only just).  I am training 3 nights a week at the moment in order to improve my fitness.  I’m finding it hard but focusing on raising money and awareness for this wonderful charity.


The welfare of hens is something that is close to my heart as I have re-homed several hens over the course of the past 7 years and seen the effects of how mistreated they were. Although there are no offical “battery cages” anymore, we still need to raise awareness on their welfare. They bring so much happiness to people and their characters are so funny.


The British Hen Welfare Trust (registered charity number 1147356) is a national charity that re-homes commercial laying hens, educates the public about how they can make a difference to hen welfare, and encourages support for the British egg industry.  More information on the charity and what they do can be found by going to http://www.bhwt.org.uk/


I have set up a Just Giving Page and would love it if i could try and raise more money for this wonderful charity.  My page is http://www.justgiving.com/debbie-thompson82  alternatively you can text DJTN50 followed by the amount and send it to 70070

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