Featured Photographer – Nicola Kenyon


Email: [email protected]

Website: http://nk-photo.wix.com/n-k-photography

Facebook: www.facebook.com/nicolakenyonphotography

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nkenphotography


Originally from Bolton, I moved with family to New Galloway in 2007 and had never felt more at home. You would always find me walking in the hills, around castles, old abandoned buildings and admiring the wildlife. It was by sheer coincidence I moved to the area I used to visit with my family on holiday! I remember looking at a photo of me when I was around 5 in front of a huge stuffed stag. Years later, after I had moved to New Galloway, I visited Clatteringshaws Visitor Centre. Everything clicked into place when I saw that familiar stuffed stag for the second time.

nicolaWhen I was 18 I moved into my first home with my partner Ewan. We were looking to rescue a dog and so visited Dumfries & Galloway Canine Rescue. When we arrived we flicked through the file with the dogs details and came across “Tyson – Male German Shepherd – 6 month old”. We asked if we could see him and they brought through a skinny puppy with big paws and big ears. He trotted over to us and sat at our feet looking at us with his big beautiful brown eyes, we instantly fell in love with him. So we put out names down, got our home check passed and couldn’t wait to take him home.

It was only in 2012 that my passion for photography really took off, that’s when I took the plunge and purchased my first Canon 500d. I attended my first photography workshop ran by Ted Leeming and Morag Paterson. I had a great time as well as meeting some fantastic people. I learned a great deal about how to use my camera and equipment, capturing landscapes and processing. After months of trial and error I wanted to try something different so I put the landscape photography on the backburner for now.

I started to photograph Tyson and found out he was more than happy to pose for me. I took lots of pictures and entered them into local dog calendar competitions and won several times. Just seeing my lovely pooch in that calendar made me realise this is what I wanted to do. Tyson is my inspiration for taking up pet photography and I believe everyone should have a cherished photo of their family pet.

My pet photography journey started in June 2013; I offered free photoshoots to friends, family and others in the local area. After a lot of practice I gained more experience and started to build up my portfolio. I have been invited as pet photographer to attend several animal charity events and to this day offer free photography services to them – I love animals and I’m always eager to help out where I can. My favourite locations are mostly in and around the Stewartry as well as Mabie Forest. I am keen to visit new locations and if the pet is unable to travel I am very happy to take the photos at their home. The pet must feel comfortable and is always my priority.

Photography tips

I like to shoot a range of images with a wide aperture for close ups and small aperture for full body and action shots. Doggy biscuits and squeaky toy are essential along with lots of patience. You need to be fast as you may miss an opportunity. Always enjoy the photoshoot, it is an honour working with animals. To capture the personality in that split second is a fantastic feeling and when the owner is extremely happy with your work, even better.


Canon 7d 50mm prime lens 15-85mm lens Tripod ND Filters

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