£1200 Worth Of Plant Equipment Stolen – Kirroughtree

Police Scotland Officers are carrying out enquiries into the theft of a digger bucket and a fuel bowser from the Visitor Centre at Kirroughtree, Newton Stewart. Sometime between Friday 16 and Tuesday 20 February 2018 a digger bucket valued at about £500, and a green coloured fuel bowser, which was empty, but still valued at around £700 were stolen. Clearly a vehicle must have been used in this theft. The digger bucket has since been recovered on the roadway next the roundabout at Newton Stewart.

Constable Callum Jardine at Newton Stewart said “We are appealing to anyone who may have been in the area around the Kirroughtree Visitor Centre over this period to get in touch if they saw or heard anything suspicious. The digger bucket appears to have fallen off a vehicle and was found at a roundabout in Newton Stewart. The area around Kirroughtree is busy with walkers and cyclists and we ask that anyone who can help gets in touch with us at Newton Stewart on the 101 number, quoting the reference PDG 0036940218. We also want to hear from anyone who may have seen a white coloured Land Rover in the area over this period. The two occupants are described as (1) male, in his 30s, medium build with blonde hair, and (2) male, in his 30s medium build with dark hair. The Land Rover was seen in the area near to where the plant was stolen from.”