
Princess Victoria Disaster Remembered – Stranraer

Sixty four years ago, the MV Princess Victoria sank off the Irish coast in treacherous weather, causing the loss of 133 lives in an event of national importance as the worst ferry disaster ever to occur in British coastal waters.  The Princess Victoria set sail from Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway as treacherous conditions including severe gales battered coastlines and floods hit many areas. But in 1953 the mail ship always set sail.

The loss of the Stranraer-Larne ferry Princess Victoria  on 31st January, 1953, with the loss of 133 lives, was immeasurable tragedy for the towns of Stranraer and Larne and their surrounding areas, where most of the victims came from.


The Dumfries and Galloway Council have arranged for Reverend John Burns to attend at 10:45am at The Princess Victoria Monument, Agnew Park, Stranraer to mark the anniversary of the tragic event  and to say a few words. This will be followed by a minute`s silence at 11am. The Vice Chairperson of Wigtown Area Committee, Councillor Jim McColm, will also attend to lay a wreath on behalf of Dumfries and Galloway Council.

For anyone that wishes to attend the ceremony please be in the park by 10.40am.


[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdmKEj8wVz0″]

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