
Rare Bible Stolen From Kirkmaiden Old Parish Church – Drumore

POLICE Scotland have launched an appeal after a rare bible has been stolen from a display cabinet in Kirkmaiden Old Parish Church at Drummore, Dumfries and Galloway Southwest Scotland.

Built 1638 to replace St Catherine’s at Mull of Galloway in the most southerly parish in Scotland. T-shaped church with vaults of the McDouall family of Logan underneath balcony. ‘Treacle’ Bible on display. Bell from Clanyard Castle, a gift from the Earl of Dalhousie 1532. The graveyard has fine 18th century gravestones including one in the form of a lighthouse.

What is a Treacle Bible ? 
In the mid sixteenth Century some Bibles were printed with the following translation in the Book of Jeremiah Chapter 8 Verse 22 ” Is there not triacle (treacle) at Gilead’,’ , the more common translation being “balm”. 

It was stolen sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. The church is open for visitors during the day and it appears that’s when it was stolen. The bible has a misprint which make it rare. Anyone who can help should call police at Stranraer on the 101 number, quoting reference PDG 0134780618.

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