
Work on Replacement of Sparling Bridge to Start soon – Newton Stewart

Dumfries and Galloway Council are pleased to announce they have appointed Story Contracting to construct the new combined cycle/footbridge over the River Cree. The project is jointly funded by Dumfries and Galloway Council and the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme. Sweco are the Principal Designers for the project.

Archie Dryburgh, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure (EEI) said: “I am delighted to confirm that a programme of works has now been agreed and that construction of a replacement bridge will soon commence. Once complete the new Sparling Bridge will help reconnect the community in Newton Stewart and I’d like to thank them in advance for their patience and understanding throughout this project.

Andrew Wood, Vice Chair of EEI said: “I’d also like to thank the engineers and officers from the Council, Sustrans, Sweco and Story for their hard work– their skills and knowledge have been vital to finalising the design and construction programme for the new bridge.”
The Project Team have also expressed their gratitude for the help and support received from the local Elected Members and the Cree Valley Community Council.
It is anticipated that work will commence on site in late May with completion late Autumn 2019.

Story will be delivering letters to all residents adjacent to the work areas, and routes to the site to give a commitment to keeping any disturbance to a minimum.
For safety reasons the work will involve closing part of the paths around the site on the West and East Bank of the river, however there will be diversions in place with 24-hour maintained access behind the work areas.

Whilst the works are underway there are plans in place to protect the local environment; including protecting the fish species in the river, foliage around the site, and identifying and disposing areas of Japanese Knotweed.

Works will be undertaken from 30th May and are planned to run to until Autumn 2019. Standard daily working hours are proposed from Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 19:00.
All staff and contractors are briefed on working responsibly in the local community and will be considerate, polite and courteous at all times.


If anyone has any additional questions or concerns they can contact Story at www.storycontracting.com or email [email protected].
The Council own Project Team for the Newton Stewart Flood Protection Scheme can be contacted at email [email protected]

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