
RNLI Rescue Frightened Dog At Stranraer Pier

At 5.10pm on Saturday the 20th of May 2017 after a phone call from the public, two of Stranraer Lifeboat crew donned their dry suits, life jackets and helmets, to go to the aid of a dog which had become stuck under the pier.

A spokesperson for the Stranraer RNLI said “Our lifeboat was not launched but the two crew members went down the pier ladders to discover the dog frightened at the top of a set of steps below the pier.
Once the crew had settled the dog and it had got used to them, they managed to get a lead on to it and walk it back down the steps to the water. When in the water the dog swam with crew somewhat frightened, back to the pier ladders where the crew managed to climb back up the ladders with the dog and hand back to the grateful owners at 5.25pm”
The Stranraer RNLI Crew stated  in a note to the public – NEVER go in water after a dog always call for help!

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