
Robert Burns Pageant Returns To Dumfries


Organisers of a major theatre event are currently inviting local actors singers and dancers to join them in auditions. Life, Love & Liberty which is a performance based on the life of Robert Burns will be staged in Dumfries town centre on the 19th and 20th of July.

The event was first produced in 2012 following a commission by Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival.

The script was written by celebrated Scottish actor John Cairney who made a career out of playing Robert Burns, he is also considered to be a world authority on the life of Burns.

Performances will once again take place on seven outdoor stages throughout Dumfries town centre and will involve a cavalcade of singers, dancers, musicians and actors leading the audience along the very streets where Robert Burns once tread.

Former star of the 2012 show Gavin Paul will also be directing this summer’s event.

Gavin has a number of television appearances under his belt including popular Scottish crime drama Taggart.

When asked about his involvement he commented “I am really looking forward to coming back to Dumfries not just as lead actor but also as director this time round, in 2012 we had such a great time and the local cast and audience relay enjoyed the show”.

Plans for Life, Love & Liberty 2014 also include a number of fringe events taking place between the 16th and 23rd July.

Event producer Sid Ambrose explained “Out with the Burns supper season, the 19th of July is the most important date on the Burns calendar, this is the day that Robert Burns died and is of huge significance to his followers around the globe, we felt that a week-long series of Burns related events to commemorate the 19th of July would help to shine a light on Dumfries and attract an international audience”.

Local and international organisations have already pledged support to the event, Funding has been sourced from the Hollywood Trust, local dance group BodyElectric are currently working on choreography whilst the World Burns Federation will be keeping enthusiasts throughout the world informed about progress.

Newly appointed co-producer Ali Donowho summed up the event by saying “ Robert Burns was inspired by the ladies of Dumfries to write some of the most famous love songs and poetry in the world, we should take pride in that and l hope Life ,Love & Liberty can help to remind people about Robert Burns and his Dumfries connection”.

For those interested in auditioning for a part the organisers are keen to point out that it is a great opportunity for people to work with professional directors, producers and stage managers. Auditions will take place at Brigend Theatre Dumfries on the 5th,6th, 18th and 19th April.

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