Shawhead Primary School is one of the top 3 in a national competition due to its tyre tread team photo.
A photo of the school’s P6 pupils checking tyre treads was one of the three best in the Ready Scotland Photography Competition 2016, organised by Keep Scotland Beautiful in conjunction with Education Scotland.
Headteacher Karen Little said: “I’m absolutely delighted that P6 did so well in this competition. The pupils worked very well as a team, developed their digital literacy skills, and thoroughly enjoyed creating their Get Ready for Winter pictures. Now, they’re really looking forward to visiting a radio station as part of their prize.”
As well as a visit to their local Bauer network radio station (West Sound), the winning P6 pupils will receive a wind-up radio. On the station visit, they’ll get to see how radio programmes are produced and get the chance to try out some of the equipment.
Councillor Jeff Leaver, chairman of the CYPLL committee, said: “Providing the best start in life for all our children is a priority for our Council. Preparing children for the future is vital. The activities in this competition had them thinking about personal safety, road safety, learning to drive, making sure that cars are roadworthy, and preparation for winter driving. The also got experience of photography and it looks like they had a lot of fun while learning. Well done to all involved.”