

Police in Castle Douglas are investigating a break-in to the Urr Valley Country House Hotel in Castle Douglas sometime on Saturday night, Sunday morning, 20/21 August 2016.  The thieves have entered the hotel sometime between 2230 hours on Saturday night and 0730 hours on Sunday morning and made off with the safe.  The safe contained a substantial amount of cash which is in excess of £10,000.

Constable John Brown at Castle Douglas said ” we are appealing to anyone who may have been at the Urr Valley Country House Hotel on Saturday night, or in the vicinity of the hotel over the weekend to call us at Castle Douglas if they can remember seeing or hearing anything suspicious.  The safe was a heavy one and would have needed at least two people to lift and remove, and it may well be that a vehicle was used in the theft.  Anyone who has any information, no matter how small it might seem, should call us at Castle Douglas on the 101 number.”

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